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Reports of the suicide of a convict in Navoi are being investigated
The media reported that on December 25 at 14:40, a convict serving his sentence committed suicide in Navoi city of correctional colony №11 in Navoi region. It was recorded that the prisoner made a noose from a bed sheet and hanged himself on the iron bars of the cell window.

The situation had been monitored by the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) and information concerning the case had been requested.

It turned out that the 24-year-old prisoner was sentenced to 14 years and 6 months of imprisonment by the decision of the Toylok District Court of Samarkand region on November 10, 2021 under Article 97, Part 1 (premeditated murder) and Article 60 (imposition of punishment on several sentences) of the Criminal Code.

According to the information provided to the Ombudsman, convict F.K. was previously on the list of persons with a tendency to mental disorders. Convict F.K. was treated 2 times during his sentence in the psychiatric department of the specialized hospital for convicts No. 23.

Members of the deceased's family did not come to short-term and long-term meetings during the period of serving the imposed sentence, only convict F.K. communicated with them by phone 6 times.

Also, because of the deceased's strange behavior, other inmates in the establishment did not want to sit in the same cell with him and inmate F.Q was kept separately from December 24, 2023.

Currently, the Prosecutor's Office is conducting a special investigation into the situation.

The Ombudsman is overseeing a full, complete and lawful investigation into the above-mentioned incident.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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