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The Ombudsman officially responded to the message “Was he beaten by the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or “fell off the motorcycle””
On October 23 this year, on the page of the press group of the public association for human rights of Uzbekistan "Legal support" in the social network facebook, a message appeared under the heading “Was he beaten by the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or “fell off the motorcycle””.

It reported that as a result of the torture used by the internal affairs officers in relation to the prisoner A.E., the suspect had three broken ribs and there were signs of bodily injury on his body.

In order to clarify this report, on September 23, the regional representative of the Ombudsman in the Samarkand region, Diyor Khusanov, went to pre-trial detention center No. 7 in the Samarkand region and met with prisoner A.E.

During the conversation, prisoner A.E. confirming the circumstances indicated in the report, said that he had received a bodily injury and turned to the Ombudsman for practical assistance in studying the situation and bringing the relevant employees to criminal responsibility.

During the study, information was also obtained on the state of health of the prisoner.

On behalf of the Ombudsman, an appeal was sent to the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan with a request to conduct a comprehensive, complete and legal check on the above reports and the appeal of prisoner A.E.

It should be recalled that in accordance with the Law “On the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)” and the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On additional measures to improve the system for detecting and preventing torture”, public groups to identify and prevent cases of torture under the Ombudsman are assigned tasks to identification of the facts of torture and submission of applications for their prompt elimination to the relevant state body, participation in the consideration of complaints about cases of torture.

The public will be provided with detailed information on the above situation.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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