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How are the citizens who participated in the demonstrations, and how are the investigations proceeding?
The Commission, based on numerous requests from citizens, conducts individual interviews with the main suspects in the events that took place in Karakalpakstan and are currently under investigation.

At the same time, the main attention is focused on the fact that the persons who participated in the events and accused of committing a crime regret their actions, as well as the conditions of their detention are organized on the basis of human rights principles, and that these circumstances are investigated impartially.

Also, members of the Commission pay great attention to meetings with persons who have minor children in care, who are in difficult family and social conditions.

As is known, the policy of humanism and tolerance pursued in our country is based on such ideas as respect for human dignity and forgiveness.

From this point of view, the members of the Commission conduct research in order to meet with persons held in the pre-trial detention center who sincerely regret their actions during the investigation process, as well as to objectively investigate the reasons presented by their close relatives.

The commission plans to consider the appeals received from citizens and give its proposals and conclusions in the appropriate manner.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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